Let customers speak for us
from 45 reviewsI have been purchasing Sudden Rush Guarana for around 5 years now, and I have never been disappointed! The ONLY energy drink/product that truly does elevate my MOOD and improves my FOCUS, just as much as (if not even more so)as my physical energy. I hope I get at least another 5 years of Sudden Rush Guarana!

great I use it everyday HIGHLY RECOMMEND

Great till next time! Please don’t raise prices! Mahalo Again!

To me it tastes great! I don’t mind the slight natural bitterness taste. The bitterness is much less than the amazing bitter melon.
I sometimes take just half and save the other half for later while I am out trail running. I often rinsed the tube after the I consumed the second half to make sure nothing goes to waste safe.:-). Yum!
My favorite is the GREEN one, because it’s easier to find in my running hydration pack and it’s the right about of caffeine that my body can handle.
Highly recommend it.

Best products ever! Such good healthy steady energy and they taste great! I discovered them on Oahu and brought some back to California. Now I just order them online and I am never without!

I had energy and focus all day long.. No jitters at all. It also helped me control food cravings.

Easy as ever, to make the purchase. At my age of 62 I need the boost now and then. My friend really likes Sudden Rush this and his name is Chris Foster a professional surfer who fully believes in your product! Mahalo

It is still hard to believe that it has now been YEARS since I have been using Sudden Rush! All I will say is: It is simply the best energy supplement I have EVER used. Not only is the energy 'clean' and gives me a physical boost of energy, it gives a MENTAL boost as wells No other energy supplement has ever done the same!

I am in US and I find this useful. Very good!

I use this for work. I like the burst of energy without the crash.

I tried them during a tournament and felt pretty energized the whole day.

I take this every morning and I’m ready to go ! Does the job and my favorite part of this … NO JITTERS !

Everything about Guarana Fruit
What is Guarana Fruit?

Guarana is a climbing plant in the maple family, Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basin and especially common in Brazil. Guarana features large leaves and clusters of flowers, and is best known for its fruit, which is about the size of a coffee bean.
As a dietary supplement, Guarana is an effective energy booster. Guarana seeds are rich in caffeine and contain up to 4-8% caffeine, more than coffee beans, which contain approximately 1-2.5% caffeine. The seeds are also rich in tannins and xanthine alkaloids theophylline and theobromine. The Guarana fruits color ranges from brown to red and contains black seeds which are partly covered by white arils. Guarana can be found in powder or pill form. It is an ingredient in energy drinks, sodas, and other beverages.
Guarana Nutrition as a stimulant
Guarana acts on the central nervous system to prevent fatigue and break down lactic acid from muscle stress. Guarana also discourages blood clots, stimulates the urinary system, and promotes the production of digestive juices. Guarana was used to treat diarrhea, decrease fatigue, reduce hunger, and to help arthritis. Guarana has been thought as a high-energy source that increases mental alertness, slows the pulse, decreases the appetite, fights fatigue, an excellent mood elevator.
Guarana has also been used as a nervine tonic for hangovers, neuralgia and menstrual headaches, leucorrhea, diarrhea, and fevers. Guarana is excellent in helping with many things.
Here are the top benefits of Guarana:
1. Increases energy
2. Speeds up metabolism
3. Offers mental alertness
4. Burns fat cells
5. Helps with headaches
6. Detoxifies & contains antioxidants
7. Acts as a cleanser
8. Decreases appetite
Guarana is really a powerful fruit that can do wonders for you and now it is actually available in a pill form as a weight loss supplement called Guarana Blast.
Guarana comes in many forms like Guarana smoothie, Guarana tea, and Guarana tablets. Guarana seeds all have different nutritive value, but are high in caffeine and help in making people alert.
Health tips for Guarana
As with any caffeinated product, Guarana extracts can lead to insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Guarana is not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating, because caffeine may cause miscarriage or may slow the growth of a developing fetus when given in doses greater than 300 mg a day.
Guarana contains substances called tannins, which can block the absorption of iron supplements and dietary iron. Guarana is one of the most promising and popular supplements for appetite suppression and weight loss, which is why it is contained in some of the best weight loss supplements and energy tonics that are being sold today. It has been used for thousands of years by South Americans, and now it is available everywhere- in caplet, powder, and liquid forms, so there’s a Guarana supplement for everyone.
What Makes Guarana Great?
1. It helps you maintain focus and mental energy (wakefulness)
Like explained in an earlier blog. Caffeine has many positive effects, of which maintaining focus and mental energy are two of the main benefits.
2. It may have additional cognitive effects
Although these studies are yet to be performed on people, they suggest that there may be a cognitive enhancing aspect of guarana independent of caffeine.
3. There is a slight improvement in reaction time
There also appears to be a slight improvement in secondary memory performance and reaction time associated with guarana. Again the improvements are shown to be unrelated to the caffeine intake. Here there has been some research on human subjects, though more research is needed to fully ascertain the effect and causal link.
4. It is linked to lower LDL-Cholesterol
The prevalence of hypertension, obesity and metabolic syndrome is lower in a group that habitually drinks guarana. Women also showed to have a lower level of LDL-Cholesterol. A causal link between lower obesity and guarana is still being researched.
5. Combine it with L-Theanine to combat jitters
Because guarana contains caffeine, we recommend that you combine it with L-Theanine (found in green tea). This combination will leave you with the above mentioned positive effects, but won’t give you the anxiety normally associated with caffeine.
Guarana has been around just as long as caffeine but is just now being discovered. About half of the yearly production is used in energy drinks, but more and more people are discovering it as an upgrade to caffeine. Because of its valuable ingredients, our Guarana natural energy shot is the best on the market.
Our highly concentrated and healthy drink shots are based on pure and natural Guarana. They significantly increase energy and concentration levels and last for several hours.

Guarana (paulina cupana) is a climbing plant that only grows in the rain forest of South America. The natives consider it an “Elixir of Youth” and due to its effect is considered as valuable as gold.
This is because the Guarana bean holds more natural caffeine than any other plant. Contrary to coffee or other synthetic caffeine, found in energy drinks, Guarana is free of irritants. The energy with is gently released to the body over many hours, which is why our Guarana Shot is a healthy alternative also for those unable to drink coffee due to medical reasons. Guarana also contains over 20 positive active substances.
The natural, highly concentrated shot increases wakefulness and attention span, improves resilience and physical endurance during sport, work and leisure activities. Additionally, Guarana curbs hunger and stimulates the body to burn fat. Not to mention that Guarana is Brazil’s go to solution for hangovers.

Thanks to the handy vial format, the SuddenRush Guarana-Shot fits easily in any pant or jacket pocket. You can drink the thick fluid directly out of the vial or mix it with fruit juice or milk based drinks. To profit the most for the performance enhancing effect of the Guarana, you should consume the SuddenRush Guarana-Shot 30 minutes before your meeting, sport activity, study marathon, car drive or other activities that require that extra kick of concentration and energy.
The Success Recipe: Our SuddenRush Milkshake
1 Banana
3 dl Organic Soy Milk, Rice Milk or Cow Milk
1 SuddenRush Strong/Caramel Guarana Shot
Preparation: Put all ingredients into a blender, mix and enjoy the natural healthy kick for a perfect start to the day. more recepies
This is how SuddenRush Guarana-Shot works
Contrary to Energy Drinks and Coffee, the energy boost from Guarana does not come into full effect after a few minutes. The effect of Guarana begins slowly after about 20 minutes, gradually builds and remains for a long time. While the performance increasing effect of coffee and energy drinks drops rapidly, the effect of Guarana slowly decreases after a much longer time. Guarana – healthy natural energy and focus for many hours.
1,2,3 Ready for a new taste?
1. During the first try you will notice the particularly strong taste. Don’t worry, coffee also only tasted bitter the firs time, didn’t it?
2. After a few minutes you will begin to notice an effect.
3. Over time you will start loving the strong Guarana taste.

A study by Meyer & Ball (2005) from the University of Tasmania (AUS) showed that Guarana delivered significantly more increase in concentration and wakefulness to Test subjects, compared to coffee. Different to coffee or Energy Drinks, our Guarana-Shot doesn’t release all the energy immediately, but slowly increases the release after 20 minutes and still has a healthy and natural effect hours after the effect of Coffee, Energy Drinks & Co has deteriorated. The test subjects in the study still profited from the effect of the Guarana after two and half hours.

Due to its performance enhancing effect, Guarana was on doping lists until 2004. Apart from caffeine, Guarana also contains a number of active substances that have a positive effect on both endurance as well as short-term intense sports.
A study by Williams MH (1998) showed that the central nervous system and fat tissue is affected by caffeine, improving mental acuity and fatty acid oxidation. Another study by Dr. Espinala (1997) showed that in stressful situation the consumption of Guarana improved physical performance, where Coffee or Ginseng did not. Additional, Dr. Lima of the Institut Sao Paolo also points towards the added benefit of fat reduction and increase of glucose levels in Muscles.

Students value the effect of Guarana particularly during study and exam intensive period. Even in the hectic everyday life of the business world the natural energy booster has made a name for itself.
A study by Dr. Haskell (2006) and the works of Dr. Espinola (1997) showed that Guarana has a positive effect on the performance of memory, increases concentration, endurance and the power to recall information. Dr. Kennedy (2004) of the University of Newcastle showed that the consumption of Guarana improved concentration and reduced the time it took to recall saved information.

A double blind study from Dr. Haskell of the University of Newcastle showed that the consumption of Guarana carried a mood enhancing effect.
In Brazil Guarana is prescribed as a light antidepressant.
Guarana can mitigate headaches and in some cases even migraines. It is used throughout Brazil to fight hangovers.
As far back as 1998, Dr. Bydlowski from the University of Sao Paulo showed that blood clotting such as Thrombosis can be mitigated with Guarana. Dr. Da Fonseca later showed that existing thrombosis can be reduced through the use of Guarana.
Another study from Dr. Campos of the University of Fortaleza (2003) indicated that further damages on acute stomach injury due to Ethanol can be prevented through Guarana.

Native Indians of the Brazilian rainforest refer to Guarana as the elixir of youth. The plant is often as basis for anti wrinkle creams.
A 1998 study from Dr. Mattie of the University of Sao Paulo displayed the antioxidation effects of the plant. Cell aging is slowed through the use of Guarana. Professor Basile of the University of Neapel (2005) discovered two advantages: Guarana is antibacterial and, after digestion can reduce cell aging by up to 62.5 percent.
A recent study in this area, by Dr. Fukumatsu of the University of Sao Paulo (2006) suggests that the DNA damage of a specific poison (cigarette smoke) can be reduced up to 52 percent through the digestion of Guarana.

To package our SuddenRush Guarana-Shots we use Polyethylene or PE. As a whole, compared to other packaging options, PE uses the least amount of energy in production, transport and distribution and is therefore from a energy consumption and ecological perspective the best option. A perfect match!